
Both Fineract 1.x and CN(now deprecated) supports multi-tenancy. The services are multi-tenant capable. Data is placed in separate databases for each tenant. Which tenant is addressed by a request is transmitted via the request header, and via the bearer token. One FI deployment may serve multiple tenants.

Fineract CN supports multi-tenancy in a different way , provisioner creates the designated tenants and associates them with services.

Note: Right now the tenant in fineract 1.x is created manually creating a db and then restarting the service will push the flyway migration.

The goal is to make CN services more agnostic by providing more services config on hand. We are trying to have isolated services with individual service support of DB and externally services connected to each service. This way we could add independent services made out of any language and any DB.


We can introduce a service to do this on the run time.

While upgrading services we realised there were some services which made sense in the limited scope and most of the services are just constant and using the same values here and there. What we would like to achieve while maintaining fineract CN codebase and contributing it back is that when we make a new service we associate those features using redis hashes.

Why redis? Its easy to maintain(cassandra is also easy but i think cassandra services are expensive also for small MFI maintaining such level of service is too much)

We want multi-tenancy to maintain those things since cassandra is just saving commands (after looking at code). So redis hashes would maintain and provide these things at runtime.

Another limiting thing is adding and relying on code dependency like anubis and etc.. , we want the developer to kick start with less actions and less addition and dependency too.

We have kick started the UAA also since the identity service is also limited in some scopes and can be thus achieved using a standalone Oauth.

To summarise the provisioner now creates the tenants , we will create those services with features like having a new type of DB with configs etc.

Last updated


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