Fineract 1.x vs CN

An overview of versions of Fineract by the community and major differences between them.

Versioning: What should we deploy? Fineract 1.x or Fineract CN?

Fineract 1. x is a mature platform with open APIs, while Fineract CN WAS a planned cloud native, microservice architecture.

The current decisive stance is to deploy Fineract 1. x.

Relevant Links:

Fineract CN Architecture Discussion

Remove Fineract CN from Active Status

Deprecate Fineract CN

A brief about the versioning history:

This is the identified chronology labels associated with observations made on the Apache Fineract project earlier parts of which known as Mifos X:

2006 - OpenMF

2011 - Mifos X: Frontend UI(known as community app) + Self service App + Backend

2015 onwards - Community app powered by Fineract 1.x

2019 - Community efforts on Fineract CN pre-release version

Another way to look at these community developments:

Gen 1 was an MIS for Microfinance

Gen 2 (Mifos X/Apache Fineract 1.0): an API-driven Core Banking Platform for Financial Inclusion

Gen 3(Mifos I/O/Apache Fineract-CN) : a planned application framework for digital financial services.

Note: The proposed Fineract CN was entirely different from Fineract 1. x, whereas Fineract CN is microservices-based.

A powerful feature of the Fineract CN concept is that it is easily deployable and configured and easy to change.

Version Comparison Table

(The following table summarises assessments made in the year 2020)

Fineract 1.x

Fineract CN

Features Note

Lending API

Lending API

Fineract 1.x is more stable in terms of lending API support

Clients API

Members API

Inter Ops API


Multiple Lending Strategy API


Fineract CN can be built a robust lending strategy if performed

Accounting API

Partial Accounting API

Fineract CN have robust and standalone API for accounting but lacks many features which fineract 1.x

Staff API

Partial Staff API

Roles and Permissions API

Similar to fineract 1.x

Run once

Run multiple and run some

Fineract CN is complicated to deploy also at the moment where if we have to create a new service we might have to rely on many dependent services.

Complete UI

Incomplete UI

Fineract 1.x supports UI for detailed API available. To test functionality we might need to use postman like client

Multitenancy with single DB

Multiple DB support

Fineract CN services can interact with different DB at a given time

Basic and Oauth

Identity services use JWT token based stateless transactions

Transactions are coupled with entities

Loose service based transaction processor

Though this feature is not built as of now in fineract CN where a decoupled centralized services based transaction processor is avail e

External Integration

Notification services

Fineract 1.x is much easy to integrate with external services as of now,

GitHub Resources for testing with Fineract CN:

These are relevant Github repositories to this part of the discussion:


Specific components of Fineract CN can be used while referencing the wiki on Fineract CN from time to time. For example, members' services can be used and extended over the top of existing clients' services. Similarly, the Lending portfolio can also be used alongside Fineract 1. x.


See Fineract 1. x Latest Releases

Read the Latest Release notes below:

Last updated


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