Common Issues

This page describes common issues that you may face, during staging and deployment of Apache Fineract 1.x

We are using following repositories as reference forks of Apache Fineract 1.x:

1. Fineract 1.x / Server/ Backend Github Link:

Deployment Types Available:

  1. Docker

  2. Kubernetes

2. Run integration test Github Link:

You can refer to the travis build support file;

Usual steps provided are:

  • Create a test build

  • Generate a fresh build and check compile

3. Once the integration tests are complete Deploy services

4. Fineract Client side (Mifos X Client) community app Source Code (develop branch):

5. Similar process for jenkins follows This app is written in angular JS, need to build and deploy the solution in static server through Apache server or any server that can process JS can be used.

Deployment Types Available:

  • Docker

Deploy services using grunt build

Relevant Documentation:

Understand Github Workflow:

Last updated


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