CI/CD, SSL, Active MQ, Connecting Logs

Connecting CI and CD

Using any tool for deployment will work , to be able to deploy a successful build and then service over a cloud provider.

  1. Create a build

  2. Tag the image

  3. Push the image to a registry

  4. Deploy the build

  5. Test the build

  6. Release build

  7. Tag the build so that team members know


Fineract 1.x uses an inbuilt SSL (self signed) which needs to be ignored in case you are behind a proxy (usually we are) Typically we might need to use a DNS resolving to CA SSL.

We can also disable the SSL also on the application level.

Fineract CN does not have this inherent feature, Fineract CN depends on the typical micro-service load balancer and gateway which does heavy processing and security.

Active Mq for Internal Messaging Service

Fineract 1.x natively supports internal messaging service using active mq , tasks like when sending a notification to another user who has to approve a loan or a process can listen to these messages.(Typically you will see the UI notification in actions)

Running UI on Static Server

Community app is a static JS script which can be hosted on any static server and can simply access the service internally or externally by passing the API param as baseAPIUrl=””

We strongly recommend doing so to avoid headaches since community app is based on obsolete packages that can cause problems

Connecting logs with other service providers

Fineract 1.x server logs can be consumed by an external service provider such as Elastic Stack , log stash using filebeats , these logs are recorded in tomcat container inside “catalina.out”

Last updated


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