Fineract Transaction Domain

Data migration of ALL Transactions records for Loan Product/Savings Type/Insurance/Shares Products such as DDA, checking

Fineract Transaction Domain

Transaction domain in fineract is quite simple. Transaction records are usually generic for most use cases of core banking. The data profile includes Transaction details such as payment type, payment date, reference numbers, source of payments, amounts, additional information in specific parameterized formats.

The following domain for transactions:

  "locale": "en",
  "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy",
  "transactionDate": "27 May 2013",
  "transactionAmount": "500",
  "paymentTypeId": "14",
  "accountNumber": "acc123",
  "checkNumber": "che123",
  "routingCode": "rou123",
  "receiptNumber": "rec123",
  "bankNumber": "ban123"

Clearly, there can be some gaps provided by the memos from CBS.

Attributes such as Account Type, Account Code, SEQ

Note: You will or may require to perform cleaning before ingesting data as is routine with data import.

Last updated


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