Types of Case Studies

This page explains types of case studies that have enriched this space.

To support diverse use cases and case studies of financial services, which consume FOSS(FOSS: Free and open source software ) platforms like Apache Fineract, Mifos X Web app in the FI's technical infrastructure.

Therefore, our standard assessment on case studies have focused on:

  1. Diverse use cases

  2. Use cases with boundary conditions on functional and domain based features: Foundation steers best practices for open source, working with small, and large scale financial institutions.

In case studies of Financial Institutions, it is pertinent to set up technical boundary conditions on production deployments of Apache Fineract & Mifos X.

For technically qualifying reasons, case studies should establish boundary conditions on Fineract 1.x.

This guide considers deployment of boundary conditions on following domains:

Accounting Management

Transactions Management

Lending Management

Savings product Management

Open source contributions contemplated in the case studies further the research objectives of Foundation in a manner, consistent with its status as a non-profit and should derive benefits for both the partner, the Foundation & Foundation’s open source objectives.

Muellners Foundation participates in case studies in order to benchmark the use cases of financial services against best practices of open source software deployments.

We are creating contributions on following type of use cases : See Contributions Log

  1. Closed Loop Payment processing

  2. Hybrid Loop Payment processing

  3. IFRS based Accounting Management

  4. Supply Chain Management

  5. Trade Finance - Invoice Discounting, line of credits

  6. DDA (demand deposit account) management

  7. Salary advances and Early Wage Access Program, Income based lending management

  8. Securitization Management & Loan Portfolios Management

  9. Credit Reporting and credit analytics management

Last updated


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