Tenant Configuration

Timezone Tenant Configuration:

Each date in a loan schedule, loan product date or charges payment date posted may jump one date back or more if the Time Zone of the Tenant is not properly set up.

Possible Causes:

  • Time zone differences.

  • Rebase of upstream code base of Apache Fineract.

Possible Occurrence:

This error is due to a system wide configuration, so each date in the system is likely affected. This occurs due to a timezone offset, so you might notice this on loan product based loan account schedule dates or repayment schedules right after installing 1.x.

Solution Path:

You need to set the tenant timezone accordingly in the tenants database. It’s a required configuration. The only feasible solution is to set up your tenant timezone configuration accordingly with the hosted environment of your deployment; whether a local UAT environment or remotely accessible. You can set it to UTC preferably. This can be done by following the steps below:

  • Log into your database

  • Go to the fineract_tenants.tenants table.

  • Change the timezone_id from e.g, “Asia/Kolkata” which is the default to “UTC” for all tenants.

You can do this easily by using a mysql management GUI tool like phpMyAdmin.

But if you prefer using the terminal to do so and are running mysql in a container, the following steps which are just a more detailed explanation of those listed above should suffice:

  1. Log into mysql database.

Then, enter the password for the root user and you should be logged in.

Here, “mysql-5.7” is the name of my mysql container, and I’m using the “root” user to login.

  1. Switch to tenants table

  1. Change the timezone id

This changes the timezone_id for all tenants to “UTC”.

Last updated


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